Be more than a customer, be a member and owner
A credit union is a cooperative financial institution owned and controlled by its members. As a non-profit organization, our purpose is to serve you, our member. Not for profit, not for charity, but for service is a credit union motto
4 reasons to Become a Member
- Have a voice in how your financial institution is operated
- Experience the highest level of PERSONAL SERVICE combined with expert advice
- Invest in a local organization that is committed to YOUR community
- As a not-for-profit financial cooperative, we’re able to offer rates that are generally lower than those of for-profit financial institutions. We’re also able to pay higher dividends on deposits and charge lower fees.
Membership Eligibility
IDB Global Federal Credit Union proudly serves the IDB community. To qualify for membership, you must be:
- An employee of the IDB, IDB Invest or IDB Lab;
- An immediate family member* of Credit Union member;
- A consultant of the IDB, IDB Invest or IDB Lab;
- An Executive Director or Alternate Director of the IDB, IDB Invest or IDB Lab;
- An intern of the IDB, IDB Invest or IDB Lab;
- A retiree from the IDB, IDB Invest or IDB Lab;
- A contractor in the IDB Headquarters Building in Washington, DC.
*Your family can also enjoy the benefits of Credit Union membership. Our membership is extended to members of the immediate family or household of a current IDB Global FCU member. An immediate family member is defined as a spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild, stepparents, stepchildren, stepsiblings, and adoptive relationships of a current member. We offer membership to those individuals whether or not the immediate family member lives in the same residence. A household member includes individuals living in the same residence and maintaining a single economic unit.
Our "Once a Member, Always a Member" policy means that when you or your family members join our Credit Union, you may remain a member for the rest of your life, as long as a minimum balance of $50 is maintained in your Savings Account.
- Initial Deposit minimum of US $50 for a savings account.
- An unexpired government-issued ID: a clear photocopy of each applicant’s Passport (with Photo), Driver’s License or State issued ID
- Proof of Domestic and/or International Addresses: a lease agreement, last account statement or last utility bill with your full name and address.
- Information for any Joint Account Owners or Beneficiaries
DOMESTIC Business Accounts
IDB Global Federal Credit Union serves the financial needs of members with small businesses in the U.S. as well. Members of the Credit Union who meet membership eligibility requirements and operate a small business: as a sole-proprietorship, partnership, or Limited Liability Company, may open an account. All parties that make up the organization must be eligible for a membership at the time of account opening. We offer the following services for Business accounts:
- Basic Checking
- Basic Savings
- Share Certificate Accounts
To open a Business Account you must come to our branch bringing your company’s business registration documentation, Employer Identification Number (EIN), and owners’ IDs. For more information please contact us
IDB Global Federal Credit Union also serves the financial needs of organizations, clubs and associations within the IDB and IDB Invest community. To open an Organization Account please contact us.