Corporate Organization
As a cooperative, our over 12,000 members own and, through their elected representatives, control the Credit Union. Voting is based upon democratic principles, because regardless of the amount a member has in shares (savings), each member gets one vote. Thirty individuals currently serve as unpaid, volunteer officials. This cooperative spirit of members serving members, along with our service-oriented staff, is the cornerstone of our success.
Did you know that, even though you may not be a Credit Union official, you have responsibilities as a member? The National Credit Union Administration cites these as:
- Elect individuals to the Board of Directors and Credit Committee
- Participate in membership meetings
- Promote participation in and use of Credit Union services
- Repay loans as agreed
- Remove any official for cause
- Expel members for cause
2024 - 2025 VOLUNTEERS
Directors are volunteers elected by the members for a term of three years. The Board of Directors meets monthly to provide general direction and oversight of the Credit Union in accordance with the Federal Credit Union Act and the Rules and Regulations of the National Credit Union Administration.
- Chair: María Valeria Zemborain
- Vice-Chair: Sandra Darville
- Treasurer: Diego Flaiban
- Secretary: Jorge Roldan
- Assistant Treasurer: Maria Eugenia Roca
- Assistant Secretary: Claudia Franco
- Immediate Past Chair: Juan Manuel Fariña
- Members: Ken Foley, Monica Velásquez
The Executive Committee seeks to improve the communication between the management team and the Board of Directors.
- Chair: María Valeria Zemborain
- Immediate Former Chair: Juan Manuel Fariña
- Vice-Chair: Sandra Darville
- Treasurer: Diego Flaiban
- Secretary: Jorge Roldan
The role of the Nominating Committee is to oversee the candidates for our Annual Elections.
- Chair: Jorge Roldan
- Secretary: Lourdes Telleria
- Members: Andres Gomez-Peña, Adela Barrio Sarmiento, Daysi Andrades, Ignacio Barragan
The responsibility of the Financial Committee is to control the financial position of the Cooperative and to make financial recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- Chair: Diego Flaiban
- Vice-Chair: Maria Eugenia Roca
- Members: Claudia Franco, Francisco Rojo, Daniel Fonseca, William L. (Chip) Lusk. Jr. - CEO, Luis Arias - CFO, Marco Paredes - CLO, Marilyn Wagner - CXO
The Credit Committee is made up of five members elected for two-year terms, and five alternates designated by the Board of Directors. A group of at least three of these members meets once a week to review, in a confidential manner, loan requests that exceed the lending authority of Credit Union management or are exceptions to Credit Committee guidelines. The financial capacity and credit history of each applicant are analyzed to assure that loan payments will not overburden the member’s cash flow and that the best interests of both the member and the Credit Union will be served. The Committee also offers alternative financing options to help members solve their financial problems.
- Chair: Monica Velásquez
- Secretary: Marco Paredes, CLO
- Members: Arnoldo Lopez Marmolejo, Jaime Cabrera, Yolanda Strachan
- Alternates: Adolfo Samaniego, Nicolas Fernandez Cavada, Stephanie Ferreyra
The five-member Supervisory Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors, is responsible for overseeing quarterly agreed-upon procedures and annual external audits and for monitoring compliance with the regulatory requirements of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). This includes selecting auditors, verifying member accounts, reviewing internal controls to assure proper compliance, responding to member complaints, and recommending procedural improvements.
- Chair: Ken Foley
- Vice-Chair: Ignacio Barragan
- Secretary: Tolulope Oyefesobi
- Members: Bruno Fernandez, Lucrecia Ledesma
The Human Resources Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors, pursuant to the Bylaws of the Credit Union. The purpose of the Committee is to execute and oversee items listed in the Responsibility section below. The Committee is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the Board of Directors for said Responsibilities. Minutes and actions of the Committee shall be reported promptly to the Board at a subsequent Board meeting.
- Chair: Sandra Darville
- Secretary: Monica Velásquez
- Members: Jorge Roldan, Juan Manuel Fariña, Jennifer Vinciguerra - CHRO